6 life hacks for eating better

Blogged by: Rouse Hill Town Centre 21 Jun 2016 View comments

Even though we enjoy healthy meal prep, it can sometimes feel a chore and often over overwhelming.  Take note of the following tips and healthy lifestyle choices will become habits!
1. Eat more fat. Yes, you read that correctly.  People who snack on healthy fat like avocados, eggs, olive oil and small handful of almonds eat fewer calories over the course of the day.
2. Carry a water bottle.  Hydration is essential part of being healthy –it aides digestion and keeps you fill so you avoid over eating! 

3. Catch some Zzzzs.  Getting enough sleep at night goes a long way to protecting your body!  Hormones are regulated when you sleep and help you make better food choices driving slimmer waistlines! 

4. Keep healthy snacks on hand.  Stockpile them even.  Keep Tupperware containers of dried fruit and nuts around, fresh food, dried edamame, hard boiled eggs and Greek yogurt!  Protein-pack snacks are even better! 

5. Choose whole grains.  Keep your eating routine clear of white or enriched grains – they spike your blood sugar and are full of sugar! 

6. Plan your meals. Write a grocery list.  When you shop from a list, unnecessary temptations are less likely to land in your grocery list.  You and your grocery bill be more fit as a result. 

Get started with those and we promise, you’ll notice a difference in the way you look and feel!

Get all ingrediants at RHTC Coles.


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