Kids & Family, School Holidays, Kids Tech Blogged by: Rouse Hill 24 Sep 2019

School Holiday Ideas – Using tech to get the kids outside

Technology and connectivity have in the past made kids a slave to their screens indoors, but not anymore!

At Rouse Hill Town Centre, there is now a way to mingle two of childhood’s greatest passions… nature and tech. Here are our top 3 tech innovations to encourage imaginative and active outdoor play for kids:

1. Geocaching

Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunt facilitated by tech. Using a GPS enabled tablet or smartphone, you can follow a set of GPS coordinates and attempt to find a hidden geocache (container).
People hide little treasures e.g. toy cars, flashlights, foreign coins, golf balls, bracelets etc. Once you find something, you can take the treasure but should leave something of equal or greater value so the game continues.
The kids will love it!  Visit to find out more

2. Activity tracker apps

Apps with physical activity challenges aren’t just for adults! GeoPalz is one example we love. It’s a great app for kids with pets, that encourages them to get their pets out for walks. The app guides them about how much activity is healthy for their pets. Kids can also earn free rewards for using the app. Activity, responsible pet ownership, education and rewards, all rolled into one glorious package.
There’s also MapMyWalk and MapMyHike that shows kids elevation, speed, distance, pace and more. It’s a way to encourage new exploration and fitness.

3. Plant/bug identification

Kids are curious. They love bugs, plants, rocks, etc. and now, there are simple smartphone apps that can help them identify all of the above!
Apps like Picture Insect, Insect Identification and PictureThis are a few examples of apps that are handy and fun for kids and their parents. Simple snap a pic of the insect or plant in question, upload to your app and within moments a high quality database compares your pic and identifies the item in question for you.

So there you have it! Technology doesn’t have to be the enemy of the outdoors. Harness it to get your kids out and about. It’s a great way to bond with your little ones and hey, you’ll learn a few tricks as you go!
Shop kids tech at Rouse Hill Town Centre:

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